Critical review of studies on the representation of architecture and use of the image in science and art


The volume publication is subject to the evaluation procedure by reviewers selected by the Scientific Committee for high scientific competence. A positive opinion gives the contribution the opportunity to be published in the two series I libri di XY and I libri digitali di XY.

In order to submit a publication proposal, it is necessary to follow the procedure provided by the OJS platform, in accordance with the guidelines below.

- Submission of a preliminary description form (pdf format) containing: title and possible subtitle, name of authors or editors, expected pages and images number, manuscript abstract or annotated table of contents (15,000-30,000 characters) or full text draft.

- Notification of acceptance or rejection of the preliminary proposal; in the event of acceptance, the Editorial Team will communicate the general conditions of publication concerning the economic assessment, the expected time frame and the submission procedures for the full materials.

- Submission of full materials in accordance with XYdigitale editorial standards: text including table of contents, notes, image captions and references, in the chosen language by the author or editor (.doc, .odt format), 5-10% English abstract (.doc, .odt format), images (.jpg format, min. 300 dpi on a 15 cm base).

- For each author/editor, submit the biographical note in the chosen language and in English (1,000 + 1,000 characters including spaces), the passport photo and the completed and signed Licensing Agreement for Publication.

Publication costs are the subject of a direct agreement with the XYdigitale Editorial Team, as well as the definition of any embargo period for full open access digital publication.

Each book has an ISBN paper code and an ISBN online code, the digital books have a DOI code and are published on the XYdigitale website and on the OJS platform of the Università degli Studi di Trento publishing house.

The editorial standards and the release to publish can be downloaded from this page.





  • Editorial standards